Monday 11th, 2024
Round 1
DB KB 1.5 Deadlifts
DB KB Suitcase Split Squats
DB KB See-Saw Press
Round 2
Double Dead Stop Rows
DB Long Cycle Cleans
Double Thrusters
Push Ups
Round 1
DB KB 1.5 Deadlifts
DB KB Suitcase Split Squats
DB KB See-Saw Press
Round 2
Double Dead Stop Rows
DB Long Cycle Cleans
Double Thrusters
Push Ups
Round 1
RS Swings
Dead Clean + Strict Press
Pull Ups
Goblet Split Squats
Tick Tocks
Challenge Round
Plank Sandwich
Round 1
MB Squat and Clean & Throw
Super Plank & Push Up
Round 2
Assault Bike
Squat Thrust & Mountain Climber
MB Pullover Sit Up + Reach
Round 1
DB KB Thrusters
Round 2
Round 3
One Arm Swings
Front Squats
Push Press
Sign up on Mindbbody!
By Colin McGarty
Kettlebell Sport is a power endurance competition that involves lifting sub maximal weights for a given amount of time. Competitors compete in five minute, ten minute and even longer 30 or 60 minute sets. Kettlebell Sport is also known as Girevoy Sport(GS) and originated in eastern Europe. As the popularity of kettlebells has increased globally, competitions have gained traction around the United States.
Kettlebell Sport lifters develop incredible strength, endurance, conditioning, and impeccable technique on their lift. Not only that but completing these long sets without placing the kettlebell down is a challenge and forges mental toughness and grit.
The standard events are Snatch, Long Cycle Clean and Jerk, Jerk only and Biathlon which is a set of Jerks followed by a set of Snatches. Long Cycle and Jerk can only be performed with double or single kettlebells. Males typically perform double kettlebells while woman can choose double or single. Snatches are performed with a single kettlebell. Woman can use the 8kg, 12kg, 15kg, 20kg, or 24kg kettlebells. Men perform their sets with 16kg, 20kg, 24kg, 28kg or 32kg kettlebells.
There are multiple weight classes in each event and for each kettlebell size. So, competitors compete against other lifters in the same event and same weight class as themselves. The competitor with the most repetitions in the given amount of time wins the event. On single kettlebell events one hand switch is allowed. With the double kettlebell the competitor lifts for the whole event without putting the kettlebells down.
Plyo Box Explosive Switch
Dumbbell Push Press
Assault Bike
MB Slams
Double Burpees
Ski Erg
Giant Mountain Climber
Round 1
Barbell Bench Press
Round 2
Barbell RDLs
Round 3
Dumbbell Step Ups
Round 4
Chin Up Ladders
Round 5
TRX Curls
TRX Tricep Ext
Open to the Public!
Round 1 (Strength Test)
Dead Cleans
Goblet Squats
Hand Release Push Ups
Round 2(AMRAP)
RS Swings
Split Squats
1 Arm Row
Come lift with us!
BW Jump Squats
Double Burpees
Ballistic Russian Twists
DB KB Rebounding Push Press
Descending One Arm Swings
Giant Mtn Climbers
Sprinter Sit Ups
Sign up on Mindbody!
Med Ball Squat & Throw
Med Ball Rainbow Slams
Med Ball Squat Clean
Med Ball Sit Up and Reach
Email Colin at if you’re interested!
Link for more information!