Round 1


Round 2

DB KB Front Squats

Round 3

Dead Clean + Front Squat

Goblet Split Squat

1.5 Deadlifts


Round 1

Barbell Bench Press

Round 2

Chin Ups

Round 3

DB KB 1/2 Snatch

See Saw Press

Gorilla Cleans

Gorilla Rows

Round 1

Ab Gauntlet

Round 2

Ball Slams

Air Assault

H2H swings

TRX Split Jumps


Round 1

One Arm Swing


1.5 Deadlifts

Round 2

Dead Cleans

Floor Press

Figure 8 to a Hold

Round 3


One Arm Rows

Front Squats


Challenge Round!!

The KettleBear



The KettleBear is a great kettlebell flow.  Kettlebell flows and complexes allow you to to train conditioning and strength simultaneously and will give you a killer full body workout.  During a flow you perform one repetition of several different exercises and then repeat for the deisred total rounds. 

KettleBear Instructions

Warm Up for 5:00 to 10:00 then grab a pair of HEAVY kettlebells!!  Perform the following:


🐻 Dead Clean x 1

🐻Front Squat x 1

🐻Push Press x 1

🐻Front Squat x 1

🐻Push Press x 1

Repeat 7 times through with out stopping!  Then catch your breathe, rest for 2:00 and grab some heavier kettlebells for the next round.  Repeat for five total rounds.




Want To Check Out the Gym and Try a FREE Workout?  Click Below!!




Round 1

Assault Bike

RS Swing

Round 2


Steel Mace Squats

Round 3

Ski Erg

Push Press

Round 1



Round 2


Dumbbell Thrusters

Round 3

Air Assault

Ball Slams

Round 1


Round 2

Pistol  Squats

Round 3

Figure 8 to a hold


Round 4

DB KB Front Squats

Round 5

Sled Push

Round 1

DB KB See Saw Press

Round 2

Dumbbell Renegade Rows

Round 3

Barbell Bench Press

Round 4

Ski Erg

Round 5

Tricep Ext

DB Curls

Seacoast Kettlebell Halloween Bash

Join us on October 25th for the Annual Seacoast Kettlebell Halloween Party!

Where: Upstairs at Cara
When 7:00PM to ???
Who: All SKB Members!
Come in costume!!  FREE drinks and appetizers for members.  
Don’t miss this event!