Round 1


MB Slams

MB RS Twist

Round 2


MB Push Up

MB Pullover Sit Up

Round 3


MB Squat Thrust

MB Toe Touch Crunch

Round 1

DB KB Front Squats

Jump Squats

Round 2

Barbell RDL

RS Swings

Round 3

Assault Bike

Round 4

Goblet  Split Squats

TRX Split Jumps


Push Press

Front Squats

One Arm Rows




Round 1

Barbell Bench Press

Push Ups

Round 2

Gorilla Rows

Ball Slams

Round 3

TRX Tricep Ext

BB Curls

Round 4

Farmers Walk


Barbell Core Complex


Barbell Core Complex Instructions

Warm Up for 5:00 to 10:00.  Then load a barbell on ONE SIDE ONLY.  The offset loading will challenge your core as you are forced to stabilize the weight in each exercise.  When you perform the front squat use a neutral grip as opposed to an Olympic lifting style rack position. Move the weight slowly and deliberately so that the barbell stays level at all times.

Perform the following exercises:

Barbell Romanian Deadlifts (RDL’s) x 5

Bent Over Rows x 5

Military Presses x 5

Front Squats x 5 (use a Neutral Grip)

Place the barbell down and switch sides.  Rest 1:00 to 2:00 between rounds and repeat at least five times!

Ready to check out the gym and try a FREE workout?  Click below!





Round 1

Assault Bike

RS Swing

Round 2


SM Switch Squat

Round 3


DB KB Push Press

Round 1



Round 2


Dumbbell Thrusters

Round 3

Air Assault


Battling Ropes

Explosive Switch Steps

Assault Bike

DB KB LC Cleans


Ab Mat Sit Ups

Join us on Thursday August 29th for the Seacoast Kettlebell and WOKQ Portsmouth Harbor Cruise!



Grab your cowboy hats, boots and country gear and get to the Isle of Shoals Steamship Company on August 29th for a Seacoast Kettlebell/WOKQ Country Cruise!  You will have a blast, enjoy some refreshing cocktails and dance your heart out with your favorites from Seacoast Kettlebell.


Who:  You and your BFF’s!!

What:  Kettlebell Country Cruise

When: Thursday August 29th at 7:00PM!  The ship departs promptly at 7:30PM so don’t be late!

Where: Isle of Shoals Steamship Company

315 Market St

Portsmouth, NH


Space is limited so hit up Sara at or swing by the front desk to reserve your tickets!




Round 1

Barbell Bench Press

Round 2

Chin Ups

Round 3

DB KB 1/2 Snatch

See-Saw Press

Gorilla Cleans

Gorilla Rows