Happy Birthday Seacoast Kettlebell!


Time flies when you are having fun!

16 years ago, we were painting a small space on Third St in Dover and wondering if anyone would show up.  Now we’ve got two bumping gyms and have had a blast swinging kettlebells and helping people get into shape.

Thank you to anyone and everyone who has supported us over the years!

In honor of this we are running a sale!  Join now through the end of October for just $16!


Best in Health,

Coach Colin

SKB Cornhole Tournament October 18th!

Who will be the new reigning SKB Cornhole Champions?

Grab a buddy and join us on October 18th in Portsmouth or Dover for the fourth annual SKB Cornhole Tournament!  You can compete to win or sit back and sip a drink with friends while you chow down on FREE food!

Join us from 4:30 to 7:00PM in Portsmouth or Dover on October 18th!

Sign your team up at the front desk.

Members Only!

HIIT- Sept 13th

Round 1

BW Jump Squats

KB Swings

Round 2

Push Ups

MB Slams

Round 3


TRX Split Jumps

Round 4

Squat Thrust

Ski Erg

Bring a Friend Day

Toy Donation Drive for the Dover Fire Department

Sept 21st at 8am
Portsmouth and Dover SKB


Strength- Sept 12th

Round 1

Barbell Bench Press

Round 2

DB KB Kickstand RDL

Round 3

Dumbbell RFE Split Squats

Round 4

Barbell Bent Over Rows

Round 5

Sled Push- Dover

Ski Erg- Portsmout

Bring a Friend Day

Toy Donation Drive for the Dover Fire Department

Sept 21st at 8am
Portsmouth and Dover SKB


Combo- Sept 11th

Round 1

Chin Ups

Round 2


Round 3

DB LC Clean

DB Front Squat

DB Push Pres

Bring a Friend Day

Toy Donation Drive for the Dover Fire Department

Sept 21st at 8am
Portsmouth and Dover SKB


Endurance- Sept 10th

Round 1

Rowing Sprints

Round 2


Goblet Thrusters

American Swing

Bring a Friend Day

Toy Donation Drive for the Dover Fire Department

Sept 21st at 8am
Portsmouth and Dover SKB


Strength- Sept 9th

DB KB 1/2 Snatches

DB KB Press

DB KB Front Squats

DB KB Gorilla Rows

Db Kb Rev Suitcase Lunges

KB Triple Crush

KB 2H Get Up Sit Up

RB Rev Crunch

Bring a Friend Day

Toy Donation Drive for the Dover Fire Department

Sept 21st at 8am
Portsmouth and Dover SKB

HIIT- The Weekend

Round 1 

Squat Thrust + Cardio

Round 2

Push Ups + Cardio

Round 3

MB Squat to Throw + Cardio

Round 4

Battle Ropes + Cardio

Round 5

KB RS Swings + Cardio

Charity Toy Drive- Bring a Friend Day

Sept 21st at 8am!

Bring a Friend + a Toy Donation!


Strength- Sept 6th

Round 1


Round 2

Dead Clean + Strict Press

Chin Ups

Kickstand Squats

Tick Tocks

Challenge Round 



Charity Toy Drive- Bring a Friend Day

Sept 21st at 8am!

Bring a Friend + a toy donation!

Endurance- Sept 5th


Round 1


Dumbbell Push Press + Renegade Row

Round 2


MB Squat Clean + MB RS Twist

Round 3


KB SDHP + Hands on KB Push U

Charity Toy Drive- Bring a Friend Day

Sept 21st at 8am!

Bring a Friend + a Toy Donation!