Round 1

Ab Gauntlet

Round 2


Sledge Hammer Hits

Battling Ropes

Air Assault

TRX Split Jumps

H2H Swings

Evil Wheel

Round 1


Round 2


One Arm Rows

KB Push Press

Goblet 1 1/4 Squats

Pick Your Cardio

Round 1

Barbell Chest Press

Push Ups

Band Tricep Pull Downs

Round 2

Chin Ups

BB Bent Over Rows

Dumbbell Curls

Round 3

DB KB Front Squats

Goblet Split Squats

Jump Squats


Challenge Round!!





*** ATTN: If you plan to come to 6am, 9am, or 1130am please be aware out toliets are out of service so plan ahead! They should be fixed the afternoon. Sorry for the inconvenience!***


Round 1

Air Assault


Push Up

Round 2


Air Squat

Shin Grab Sit Up

Round 3



Leg Raises

Round 1

Barbell Back Squats

Round 2

Pull Ups

Round 3

One Arm Swings


Push Press

Front Squats

One Arm Rows

Round 1

Dumbbell Push Press


Round 2

Ring Rows

Assault Bike

Round 3

RS Swings


Round 4

Goblet Squats

Farmers Walks

Round 1

Goblet Split Squats

Round 2

Barbell RDLs

Round 3

Barbell Front Squats

Round 4

TRX Pistol Squats

Round 5

Sled Push

Round 1


Round 2

Dead Clean + Front Squat

Push Press

Around the Body Pass

RS Swing

Battling Ropes

Push Ups

Assault Bikes

Ring Rows

Air Squats

Round 1

Dead Clean + Strict Press

Round 2

Chin Ups

Round 3

Barbell Bench Press

Round 4

Ski Erg


Round 5

TRX Tricep

DB Curls