
Success Story: Find Out How Elise Gained Strength and Lost Inches!



Prior to joining Seacoast Kettlebell Elise played soccer and worked out on campus, but didn’t really do any consistent strength training.  Since joining she is lifting heavy and crushing deadlifts and pull ups.  Elise looks great and is down 30 pounds.  Check out her story!



Want to Check Out The Gym and Try a FREE Workout?  Click Below!


Success Story: Find Out How Matt Lost 30 LBS!



Matt used to work out by himself doing typical bodybuilding routines.  He was strong but his workouts weren’t clicking.  Then he found Seacoast Kettlebell.  Now he’s made a ton of new friends, gotten stronger, lost 30 LBS and five percent bodyfat since joining.  Find out how he did it!

Check out Matt’s Story!

Ready to Check Out the Gym and Try a FREE Workout?  Click Below!




Success Story: Sam is Stronger Than Ever!



Sam wasn’t hitting the gym or working out consistently!  Then she found Seacoast Kettlebell!  She immediately loved the supportive community, coaching and fun environment.  Now she’s crushing workouts, feeling great, and stronger than ever before!  Watch Sam’s story!


Click Below To Check Out the Gym and Try a FREE Workout!


Eat Clean, Train Mean 2020!


The Seacoast Kettlebell EAT CLEAN AND TRAIN MEAN CHALLENGE is a combination of working out in short bursts of high intensity interval training, resistance training and balancing your eating habits for a faster and easier way to burn fat and build muscle only 21 Days GUARANTEED!


Begins: January 20, 2020 – Ends: February 10, 2020


Kick Off Meeting Sunday, January 19, 2020 at 10:00AM
Challenge Starts Monday, January 20, 2020
Final Weigh In February 10 ,2020



Or Email Sara at to SIGN UP!


Our Eat Clean & Train Mean Challenge Includes:


  • Kick Off Meeting on Sunday January 19, 2020
  • Unlimited Team Training Workouts
  • Nutritional Support and Guidance
  • Two State of the Art Body Composition Analysis and Weigh In’s
  • Boxing Workouts
  • Group Support
  • To Join an AWESOME community of likeminded workout NINJA’s!
  • Unlimited Stay on Track Meetings
  • Weekly Check In’s


What’s the Cost?

A Steal at $19 for Members, $69 for non-members with a $99 Small Group Option!



Or email Sara at to SIGN UP!

🐍The Kettlebell ANACONDA🐍





The Kettlebell ANACONDA Instructions

Warm up for five or ten minutes.  Then grab two medium weight kettlebells.  Perform five rounds non-stop of the following exercises:

✅Long Cycle Clean x 1
✅Press x 2
✅Front Squats x 3

Five times without resting or putting kettlebells down.  Rest two or three minutes then repeat four more times!


Ready to Check Out The Gym and Try a FREE Workout?  Click Below!




Kettlebell Stairway to Heaven Workout




Kettlebell Stairway to Heaven Instructions

Warm up for 5:00 to 10:00 then grab a medium weight kettlebell.  Do five reps of each exercise in circuit fashion.  Then ten, 15 and 20 reps of each exercise.  Rest only as needed.

✅Snatches per side
✅Push Press per side
✅Goblet squats
✅One Arm Rows per side
✅Russian Swings


Let us know how it goes!


Ready to Come Check Out the Gym and Try a FREE Workout?  Click Below!


Holiday Can Drive Charity Workout December 7th!


Dust off your can goods, the good stuff too–not the refried beans, or old Spam—and get to this workout!  Bring your friends, enemies, or anyone who can donate to the Dover Police Department Holiday Food Basket Program!

Join us on Saturday December 7th at 8:00AM for a Holiday Charity Workout!!!  All proceeds go directly to the Dover Police Department Holiday Food Basket Program.

Who: YOU!!!!   This workout is open to the public!  Bring a friend, family member or someone you hate, that you want to watch sweat it out during the workout…

What: An AWESOME workout that everyone can enjoy!

When: December 7th at 8:00AM

Cost: One Non-perishable Food Item—-The Good Stuff!!!


Help us support the Dover Police Department Holiday Food Basket Program by bringing in non-perishable food items that will distributed to local, Dover families in need.  Our local heroes have cut out the middle men and bring assistance directly to people who in our community who need some extra help this holiday season.

AWESOME Eleven Anniversary Sale!!


11 Year Anniversary Sale!!


We want to thank you for an AWESOME eleven years. Time flies when you are having fun. We have grown from a handful of members in a 1,500 square foot studio to 12,000 sq feet community of workout NINJAS. There have been killer workouts, charity events, lots of sweat, smiles, friendships, even weddings and now babies from the relationships at SKB. Glad you are part of it!


Here’s How You Can Celebrate Our 11 Year Anniversary By Saving Big Money:


Ready To Commit? 


We are offering our biggest savings yet on paid in full memberships. Buy 12 months, paid in full, get THREE months FREE! Save $297 on Team Training—SOLD OUT!


NOTE: Limited to four memberships only!!


Used to Be A Member and Miss Us?


First, our rates have dropped to just $99 a month for Unlimited Team Training—a huge savings! We used to charge $149+ for Team Training.


Second, we will waive the $199 enrollment fee.


So $0 Down and just $99 a month for Team Training, Team Boxing, Abs Class and Two Small Group Personal Training sessions per month—it’s a STEAL!!


Want to try 1 on 1 Boxing Mittwork Sessions?


We are now offering PRIVATE One on One 30 minute Boxing Mittwork sessions! Sharpen your skills and get eight rounds on the mitts!



Buy 5 sessions for $169! This will be the lowest price we offer on this!


NOTE: This is limited to 3 clients only and you will work with directly Coach Colin, Coach Ray or Coach Adam!

Keeping it Casual?


Buy a Ten pack of Team Training for the Regular price and Get THREE FREE classes!


These deals are valid through November 15, 2019. Thank You For Your Support!  Email to take advantage of these offers!


Best in Health,


Colin McGarty

Seacoast Kettlebell

Bad Tire Workout



Bad Tire Workout Instructions


This is a killer tire workout that can be used as a challenge round at the end of your regular routine or as a stand alone conditioning workout.  If you us it as a standalone workout warm up for 5:00 too 10:00 prior to starting.  Then find a big tire and a sledgehammer.

You will perform five rounds of the following exercises:


Tire Flips x 5

Feet Elevated on Tire Push Ups x 10

Tire Jumps x 15

Sledgehammer Hits x 20

Rest 1:00 between rounds.  Repeat for five total rounds!




Ready to Check Out The Gym and Try a FREE Workou? CLICK BELOW.


The KettleBear



The KettleBear is a great kettlebell flow.  Kettlebell flows and complexes allow you to to train conditioning and strength simultaneously and will give you a killer full body workout.  During a flow you perform one repetition of several different exercises and then repeat for the deisred total rounds. 

KettleBear Instructions

Warm Up for 5:00 to 10:00 then grab a pair of HEAVY kettlebells!!  Perform the following:


🐻 Dead Clean x 1

🐻Front Squat x 1

🐻Push Press x 1

🐻Front Squat x 1

🐻Push Press x 1

Repeat 7 times through with out stopping!  Then catch your breathe, rest for 2:00 and grab some heavier kettlebells for the next round.  Repeat for five total rounds.




Want To Check Out the Gym and Try a FREE Workout?  Click Below!!