Round 1

Ring Rows

DB LC Cleans

Mountain Climbers

Round 2

H2H Swings

Push Ups

Flutter Kicks

Round 3

Squat Thrust

KB Jump Squats

Shin Grab Sit Ups

Round 1

Bench Press

Round 2

Pull Ups

Round 3

DB KB LC Clean

DB KB Front Squats

DB KB Push Press


Success Story: Sam is Stronger Than Ever!



Sam wasn’t hitting the gym or working out consistently!  Then she found Seacoast Kettlebell!  She immediately loved the supportive community, coaching and fun environment.  Now she’s crushing workouts, feeling great, and stronger than ever before!  Watch Sam’s story!


Click Below To Check Out the Gym and Try a FREE Workout!


Round 1


Sandbag Cleans

TRX Split Jumps

Plate Pullover Sit Up

Round 2

Assault Bike

Superplank Push Up


MB Squat Clean

Round 1

Assault Bike

Round 2


Round 3


Round 4

Ring Rows

Round 5

Battling Ropes

Round 6

Push Ups


Round 1

One Arm Swings

Push Press

Tick Tocks

Round 2


One Arm Row

Get Up Sit Up

Round 3


Traveling Push Ups

RS Twist

Eat Clean, Train Mean 2020!


The Seacoast Kettlebell EAT CLEAN AND TRAIN MEAN CHALLENGE is a combination of working out in short bursts of high intensity interval training, resistance training and balancing your eating habits for a faster and easier way to burn fat and build muscle only 21 Days GUARANTEED!


Begins: January 20, 2020 – Ends: February 10, 2020


Kick Off Meeting Sunday, January 19, 2020 at 10:00AM
Challenge Starts Monday, January 20, 2020
Final Weigh In February 10 ,2020



Or Email Sara at to SIGN UP!


Our Eat Clean & Train Mean Challenge Includes:


  • Kick Off Meeting on Sunday January 19, 2020
  • Unlimited Team Training Workouts
  • Nutritional Support and Guidance
  • Two State of the Art Body Composition Analysis and Weigh In’s
  • Boxing Workouts
  • Group Support
  • To Join an AWESOME community of likeminded workout NINJA’s!
  • Unlimited Stay on Track Meetings
  • Weekly Check In’s


What’s the Cost?

A Steal at $19 for Members, $69 for non-members with a $99 Small Group Option!



Or email Sara at to SIGN UP!

Round 1

Chin Ups

Round 2

Barbell Front Squat

Round 3

Figure 8 to a Hold

Plank Hold

Round 4

DB KB See-Saw Press

Round 5

Sled Push

Round 1

One Arm Swings


1.5 Deadlifts

Round 2

Dead Cleans

Floor Press

Figure 8 to a Hold

Round 3


One Arm Rows

Front Squats


Challenge Round!

On December 26, 2019 there will be OPEN GYM from 8:00AM to 10:00AM.

Drop by, say hello and crush a workout!  We will have a few workouts posted or you can do your own.