January Healthy Habits Challenge!
Skip the New Year’s Resolutions and Build Healthy Habits!
This program is designed to help you build sustainable habits that will help you look, move and feel great! We will focus on three major areas: Strength, Fuel and Lifestyle! You will get stronger, eat right, and pick from several lifestyle goals that will have you feeling like a million bucks. This includes a kickoff meeting, a habit tracker, calendar, two optional bodyfat scans on the Dover InBody scale, weekly tips, awesome recipes, and community support from all of the other crazies who take this challenge.
Who: You!
What: January Healthy Habits Challenge
When: January 16th – February 12, 2023! Kick Off Meeting on Sunday January 15th!
Where: Seacoast Kettlebell Dover and Portsmouth
Why: So You Can Look and Feel Great in 2023!
Cost: A STEAL at $49 for members! $99 For non-members! Email Sara at skbintro@gmail.com with any questions.