
Summer Of Fit!



ATTENTION: Full Time Students!

Save BIG $$$ on a summer membership!  You can train all summer (the end of May, June, July and August) for just $299!  This is a savings of over $199!! No enrollment fee or long-term commitment!  We train students aged 12 to 15 with a parent and age 16 and up are welcome to jump in with parental approval.

You will lift big, crush cardio, look and feel great by the end of the summer.

If you, or your student, are ready to GET AWESOME this summer hit up Lisa at in Dover or Luke at to sign up for this summer savings!

Success Story: Find Out How Jay Stays In Shape!



Prior to joining Seacoast Kettlebell Jay wasn’t working out consistently.  Initially he loved the group atmosphere and community of the classes at Seacoast Kettlebell.  Now that he has adopted a regular workout routine he is stronger than ever and has lost a few pounds of fat, but more importantly he feels better playing with his kids and family.  Check out Jay’s story!



Ready to check out the gym and try a FREE workout?  Click below!

30 Minute Kettlebell EMOM Workout!




30:00 Kettlebell EMOM 

Warm up for five to ten minutes.  Then grab a kettlebell and crush this 30:00 EMOM.  EMOM stands for every minute on the minute.  So, at the top of each minute perform eight reps per side, then rest the remaining time.  Alternate exercises each minute and repeat the whole thing five times through for 30:00 total!

✅One Arm Swing x 8/8
✅Snatch x 8/8
✅Push Press x 8/8
✅Kickstand Deadlifts x 8/8
✅Front Squat x 8/8
✅One Arm Row x 8/8



Ready to Check Out the Gym and Try a FREE Workout?  Click Below!



Success Story: Find Out How Elise Gained Strength and Lost Inches!



Prior to joining Seacoast Kettlebell Elise played soccer and worked out on campus, but didn’t really do any consistent strength training.  Since joining she is lifting heavy and crushing deadlifts and pull ups.  Elise looks great and is down 30 pounds.  Check out her story!



Want to Check Out The Gym and Try a FREE Workout?  Click Below!


🐍The Kettlebell ANACONDA🐍





The Kettlebell ANACONDA Instructions

Warm up for five or ten minutes.  Then grab two medium weight kettlebells.  Perform five rounds non-stop of the following exercises:

✅Long Cycle Clean x 1
✅Press x 2
✅Front Squats x 3

Five times without resting or putting kettlebells down.  Rest two or three minutes then repeat four more times!


Ready to Check Out The Gym and Try a FREE Workout?  Click Below!




Bad Tire Workout



Bad Tire Workout Instructions


This is a killer tire workout that can be used as a challenge round at the end of your regular routine or as a stand alone conditioning workout.  If you us it as a standalone workout warm up for 5:00 too 10:00 prior to starting.  Then find a big tire and a sledgehammer.

You will perform five rounds of the following exercises:


Tire Flips x 5

Feet Elevated on Tire Push Ups x 10

Tire Jumps x 15

Sledgehammer Hits x 20

Rest 1:00 between rounds.  Repeat for five total rounds!




Ready to Check Out The Gym and Try a FREE Workou? CLICK BELOW.


Suspension Training Workout




Suspension Training Workout Instructions 


Warm up for 5:00 to 10:00.  Then grab a TRX or suspension trainer.  Complete each exercise, in circuit fashion.  Once you finish rest for 1:00 to 2:00 minutes.  Repeat four more times for five total rounds!


  • Pistol x 5 per leg
  • Power Pull x 10 per side
  • Atomic Push Ups x 15
  • Leg Curls x 20


Ready to Check Out the Gym and Try a FREE Workout?  CLICK BELOW!





KettleHell Pyramid




KettleHell Pyramid Instructions


This is a great kettlebell conditioning workout!  Warm up for five to ten minutes.  Then grab a light to medium weight kettlebell.  Perform 1 rep of each exercise then 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 reps.  Rest only as needed.


1-10-1 KettleHell Pyramid


  • One Arm Swings per side
  • Snatches per side
  • Press per side
  • Goblet Squats
  • One Arm Rows per side


Ready to Check Out the Gym and Try a FREE Workout?  Click below!


The Danger Zone Kettlebell Workout




The Danger Zone Kettlebell Workout Instructions


Warm up for 5:00 to 10:00 prior to performing this workout.  Or use it as a challenge round at the end of your regular workout.  Grab a medium weight kettlebell and perform three rounds of the following with minimal rest.  Try to move through as fast as possible in good form.

Repeat Three Times:


✅Snatches x 15 per side

✅Push Press x 12 per side

✅One Arm Rows x 9 per side

✅Goblet Squats x 6

✅Run 400m Fast or 2:00 of Hard Cardio on Any Machine



Ready to Check Out the Gym and Try a FREE Workout?  Click below!





The Kettle-Virgin: Beginner’s Kettlebell Workout



Beginner Kettlebell Workout Instructions


Never used a kettlebell before?  Grab one and try this workout!  Warm up for for 5:00 to 10:00.  Then set a timer for 7:00  Work :30, rest :30.  Repeat the whole workout three times total!

✅Belly Swing :30
✅Floor Press x :30 Left
✅Floor Press x :30 Right
✅Goblet Squat x 30
✅One Arm Rows x :30 Left
✅One Arm Rows x :30 Right
✅Plank x :30

Then rest 1:00 or 2:00 and repeat for three total rounds!  Let us know how it turns out!


Ready to Check Out the Gym and Try a Class?  Click Below!