April 26th, 2019SKB Blog, The Workout Round 1 Dumbbell Chest Press Round 2 Barbell Deadlift Round 3 Pull Ups Burpees H2H Swings LC Clean + Push Press Behind the Back Squat H2H Swings Burpees Pull Ups by Sara McNulty https://seacoastkettlebell.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/6EA133EB-E74D-4090-9A68-50252641C972.jpg 2878 2878 Sara McNulty https://seacoastkettlebell.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/skb-logo.png Sara McNulty2019-04-25 18:00:302019-05-02 01:35:46April 26th, 2019